Sign the Petition to Legalize Online Gambling
Released on = November 2, 2006, 7:36 am
Press Release Author = Jim Nickogoski
Industry = Government
Press Release Summary = This is a call to protest, to every American citizen that is tired of having their rights striped away one at a time, by a government that seems to worry more about getting reelected then improving the lives of its citizens.
Press Release Body = The new online gambling ban is causing quite a stir, and many Americans have started to complain, so one man has decided to take on the American Government and fight for his right to risk his financial security by starting an online petition and becoming the voice of protest in the USA
Angry at the new US regulations banning Americans from playing at online casinos, a lone gambler has decided to fight the US government on his own. Jim Nickogoski, hailing from the small town of Lackawaxen in Pennsylvania created a petition aimed at fuelling the protest against the recent ban on online gambling. He has named it the Angry Online Gambler and you can find it at
Politicians only care about elections and keeping there jobs, so by using the petition I am hoping to use it as leverage to get them to fear for their jobs till they have to legalize gambling or risk unemployment.
"The reason I started this petition is because I am tired of the American government thinking it has the right to tell me what's best for me. I say it is my right as an American to make that decision, and if the government disagrees with me, I will vote for someone who does agree with me."
Please do not think that Jim is one of these anti government people, He loves his country and the system of government, but he feels that this new law is an infringement of our constitutional rights, and until they take away his right to free speech he plan on using it.
Besides the Petition the site also offers a place for likeminded gamblers to leave comments or just to vent their frustration with the online gambling ban. Jim is also working on adding an area that will inform people where they can find protest in their local areas and email addresses of congressmen for letter writing campaigns, and you can even play a few hands of Caribbean poker, but just for fun.
Remember the job of the government is to run things to make our lives better, not treat us like little children who do not know to come in out of the rain.
Jim Nickogoski is a resident of Lackawaxen Pennsylvania and owns his own handyman business. During the summer he also works part time at the local summer camp. When he is not working, he can usually be found participating in his latest hobby online poker. If you are interested in signing his petition it is at http:www/
Web Site =
Contact Details = Jim Nickogoski 188 scenic drive lackawaxen PA 18435 570-685-8016
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